In the 1990's there was a boom in waterbeds and then followed by the Air Mattresses.  Inventor Keisuke Tanaka did extensive studies on both above mentioned and discovered that two important factors were absent, namely the counter shearing force and the breathe-through in the design and materials used.
Hence, he created the ultimate health mattress that is made of mineral oil and polymer that can be recycled 100% with FDA approval. With its patented unique design,withstanding  temperatures of -30℃ to +70 GELTRON was created. Started off with mattresses and pillows, the medically beneficial product extended its range to seat cushions, shoulder pads, baby/infant pillows and more to come.
To understand and appreciate more on GELTRON products, carefully go through the video clips below.
We are confident that you will find it beneficial not only to you but also for your loved ones and friends.